Industrial establishments and corporate undertakings as recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by the Managing Committee who are engaged in production of goods and/or providing services in the State of Gujarat, will be eligible to become Ordinary Members of the Federation.
Organizations, individuals, cooperative societies and firms as recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by the Managing Committee will be eligible to become Associate Members of the Federation. They should be engaged in providing professional services to industrial establishments and eligible in fields acceptable to the Managing Committee.
Associations and Institutions as recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by the Managing Committee shall be eligible to become the Association & Institutional Members of the Federation with attendant rights and privileges which would be decided by the Managing Committee from time to time.
Those citizens of Gujarat who in the opinion of the Managing Committee have rendered outstanding services to the community at large and have distinguished themselves will be invited to become the Honorary Members of the Federation. Honorary Members will be nominated for two years in their personal capacity and will not be called upon to pay any subscription nor shall they have any voting rights
© 2024 Federation of Gujarat Industries.