History & Significant Achievement

  • 1918

    The Federation was established on 22nd June 1918 in the name of ‘Baroda Mills Owners Association’ with the blessings of Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad.

  • 1930

    The Federation had become a constituent member of Federation of the Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FICCI) New Delhi- the apex body through which the important problems are being represented to the Central Government.
  • 1936

    Renamed in the year 1936 ‘The Federation of Baroda State Mills and Industries’ by enrolling industries other than textile industries.

  • 1947

    Federation was instrumental in setting up faculty of medicine and a department of textile technology at the faculty of technology of the M.S University of Baroda by donating a large sum of Rs 95 lakhs.

  • 1949

    On merging of Baroda State with the Union of India in 1949, the Association was given the name ‘‘The Federation of Gujarat Mills and Industries’.
    The Association is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.

  • 1955

    Efforts by the Federation in regularizing Air Services of Bombay-Baroda-Ahmedabad.

  • 1953

    Textile and Allied Industries Research Organization (TAIRO) was established to invent appliances for better and faster products of cloth and allied textile technology

  • 1956

    FGMI began a coal/coke dump and iron and steel dump for small scale units and textile mills.

  • 1956

    Senior members of FGMI promoted first Private Sector Industrial Estate namely,’ Baroda Industrial Development Corporation Private Limited’ at Gorwa.

  • 1956

    Formation of Baroda Productivity Council by Federation to take care of emerging socio-economic needs of the people

  • 1957

    Formation of Baroda Management Association

  • 1958

    Formation of Gujarat Refinery at Koyali as a result of strong Representation by FGMI to the Union Government to set up a refinery when the oil was struck at Ankleshwar and Khambhat.

  • 1960

    FGMI established Central Gujarat Chamber of Commerce

  • 1963

    Rail and Road Facilities Association to look after the problems of transport of general public

  • 1966

    India’s first Citizens Council, namely Baroda Citizen Council was set with a definite purpose of involving the Municipal Corporation and the Industry in Community development work. Baroda Citizen Council in turn promoted another voluntary organization namely ‘United Way of Vadodara’.

  • 1969

    Federation Samaj Kalyan Trust was established to help the socially and economically weaker sections of the community

  • 1970

    Telephone Subscribers Association came into existence with the help of Federation to resolve the problems pertaining to telephone

  • 1975

    Federation established and sponsored Co-operative Bank of Baroda

  • 1978

    Association of Natural Gas Consuming Industries of Gujarat’ was established by FGMI, to tackle the problems of Gas Consuming Industries

  • 1981

    Federation was instrumental in getting ‘Boeing B-737 Flight’ for Bombay-Baroda passengers.

  • 1981

    ‘Vadodara Industries Employers Union’ started functioning from the Federation. This organization tries to develop cordial relationships with the trade unions

  • 1988

    Federation was instrumental in getting electricity department of BMC transferred to GEB

  • 1988

    While Shri Ramanbhai B Amin was President of Federation, he had played a key role in preparation of Master Plan for Vadodara city development and had accelerated the progress of the city.

  • 1988

    Federation had played a vital role in opposing the anti-dam lobby and had made efforts to raise funds for Narmada Foundation Trust.

  • 1990-91

    Federation had launched a series called ‘Challenges of the Nineties’ inviting eminent persons to speak on topics related to economic, technical, organizational other important areas in the interest of business and industry sector.

  • 1992-93

    As a part of Platinum Jubilee Celebration, Federation instituted nine awards in fields of industrial, economic and social development. It had published a Platinum Jubilee year Souvenir.

  • 1992-93

    Federation was instrumental in setting up of Container Freight Service (CFS) at village Dashrath, Nr. Baroda.

  • 1995

    In 1995 the name of Federation was changed to “Federation of Gujarat Industries”.

  • 1997

    Federation published a special ‘Annual’-1997 issue containing articles from eminent people covering a wide spectrum of enriched knowledge and wisdom in field of art, economic, social and scientific areas.

  • 1998-99

    A FORUM of Federations, Chambers and Associations of Industries of Gujarat was constituted during this period, Federation played a vital role in establishment of FORUM.

  • 2000

    Federation obtained approval from Regional Board, ESIC for opening of Sub-Regional office of ESIC at Baroda w.e.f. 18/9/2000.

  • 2000

    Federation had taken lead in filing of Petition with GERC during the year 2000 in context to GEB submission made for determination of tariffs for electricity supply.

  • 2005

    Establishment of Central Excise Department, Help Centre in FGI premises on 1st July 2005 and Income-Tax, Help Centre on 22nd July 2005.

  • 2006

    Federation instrumental in setting up of CEGAT bench at Ahmedabad during March 2006.

  • 2007

    FGI Business Centre, Foundation stone laying ceremony held on 22nd March 2007 under auspices of His Excellency, The Governor of Gujarat, Shri Naval Kishore Sharma.

  • 2009-10

    FGI Business Centre inaugural function held on 7th May 2010 together with FGI Awards for Excellence – 2009 ceremony. Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, Government of India was the Chief Guest and Shri Saurabhbhai Patel, Hon’ble Minister of State for Industries, Finance and Energy was Guest of Honor

  • 2010

    In initial stages of starting of Family Planning Centre by the State Government at various places, FGI had also under taken activity of running the centre and achieving desired targets.

  • 2010

    During June 2010, FGI succeeded in obtaining ISO 9001:2008 Certification.

  • 2012

    During April 2012, FGI adopted 10 ‘Anganwadis’ – Project proposed by Vadodara Mahanagar Seva Sadan (VMSS). Anganwadis is a project funded by the Central Government of India which supports Primary Education and Health to the under privileged Children in the age group of 3-6 years. The focus is on satisfying the pre-primary learning, health care, supplementary nutrition and other needs of the children, which would go a long way towards contributing in evolution of a healthy, balanced and inclusive growth of our society. The task of implementation of Anganwadi Project has been entrusted to Baroda Citizen’s Council (BCC).

Apart from the above mentioned achievements federation has championed various other causes like


During the time of Second World War, the Federation played a significant role by supplying mill made cloth regularly to the Government of India at price fixed by the government.

Setting up of Petrochemicals and refinery fighting for the price of Gas to industry taking up the issue with ONGC


Federation started ‘Jan Jagruti Vyakhyan-Mala’ to keep the common citizens aware of topical and contemporary socio-economic developments.


Organization launched tree-planting campaign in Industrial Area, and planted 80,000 saplings.


An experiment by way of curriculum on ‘Population –Education’ received an International Recognition by UNESCO


Federation has played positive role in the clearance of Sardar Sarovar Project. Federation represented Gujarat’s view point to the World Bank and Japanese Government for propagating the need of the project.